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Moonies is the in store currency that is earned through drawing and events! For every drawing of a Pheromoo you do, you can submit the artwork to the #bank discord channel and the Moonies earned will be added to your bank! At this time you can only earn Moonies for drawings you have done yourself.

Artwork that can be submitted for Moonies:

-Personal Art

-Event Art

-Gift Art

-Artwork that YOU commissioned


Artwork that cannot be submitted for Moonies:

-Artwork YOU were commissioned to do. Aka if someone paid you to draw the piece, the Moonies go to the person who paid for the art.

-MYO Submission art

-Reference Sheets

-Artwork done on bases

moonie - Copy.jpg
Earnings Chart

The below chart is per character in each drawing.

When submitting artwork to the #bank, post the image and calculate your points! A mod will reply once they have been added with your total.

Example for a half body flat color sketch

Half body sketch 10

+10 color

= 20 Moonies

Example for a full body shaded with two characters

Full Body Inked 30

+15 color

+15 shaded

x2 characters

= 120 Moonies

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